Fill up ORDER FORM at the bottom of the blog. Please provide us your correct email and complete address. Please specify the order with item codes.
Please wait for our confirmation once submission of order is made. An invoice will be sent to your email within 24hrs. However,if invoice is not received after 24hrs, for Yahoomail users, please check your spambox.
Once invoice is received, kindly transfer or bank in the amount (provided in invoice) to our account within 1(one) working day. If there is no reply from you, your order will be cancelled without notice.
To avoid fraud, please attach proof of payment by REPLYING our email . DO NOT compose new email to avoid confusing. If there is no reply from you, your order shall be released without any further notice.
To avoid fraud, please attach proof of payment by REPLYING our email . DO NOT compose new email to avoid confusing. If there is no reply from you, your order shall be released without any further notice.
IMPORTANT- Please attach copy of 'succesful transaction print screen' with email to process your order. Insufficient documentation of above said material may hinder or delay your purchase.
Those who Transfer/Bank In via Cash Deposit:
Please snap a picture of receipt / scan receipt and attach to email. Replying our email, DO NOT compose new email.
Items will be mailed out once payment has been received. We will send Track Number & Posting Date thru email.
Please snap a picture of receipt / scan receipt and attach to email. Replying our email, DO NOT compose new email.
Items will be mailed out once payment has been received. We will send Track Number & Posting Date thru email.
Once you have received the good, kindly send us an email and notify us. If we do not here from you within 5 working days,we will assume that you have already received the goods.